THE CASE: Waverly Case


BRIEF OVERVIEW : In 1998 Terence Jerome Richardson and Ferrone Claiborne were falsely accused of killing Officer Allen W. Gibson in Waverly, Virginia. Although they initially pleaded not guilty, with the looming threat of the death penalty and advice from their counsel, both men accepted plea deals. In 2000, federal prosecutors launched an investigation into the case, and in 2001 a jury found them NOT GUILTY of murdering Officer Gibson; however, the presiding judge sentenced both men to life in prison based on their original pleas.

In 2018, Life After Justice and our President Jarrett Adams, Esq. became involved in both cases. Adams uncovered new exculpatory evidence that LAJ is certain proves Mr. Richardson and Mr. Claiborne’s innocence. Since April 2021, there have been several petitions filed and court appearances that have garnered support from officials like the former Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring.

WHERE IT STANDS : In January of 2024 Terence Richardson was granted an evidentiary hearing by the Supreme Court of Virginia that will take place on May 22nd, allowing the newly discovered and previously suppressed evidence to be considered, giving both men a real shot at winning their freedom after spending over 25 years wrongfully incarcerated.

SUPPORTERS : In addition to broad national coverage and the aforementioned persons, the Waverly Case is currently being supported by The Innocence Project, the Virginia and National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Virginia NAACP and more.


For additional information, please visit the official website for the Waverly Case or click on its viral hashtag: Not Guilty Serving Life #NotGuiltyServingLife


Waverly Burning Episode 1

Waverly Burning Episode 3

Waverly Burning Episode 2

Waverly Burning Episode 4